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What is ENS/ESI?

Since the puppies are settling in nicely with no signs of stress, we began a routine of ENS/ESI (Early Neurological Stimulation/Early Scent Introduction) starting at 3 days old. These exercises are a great way to stimulate the puppies nervous systems so they develop in the best ways possible.

The benefits of ENS are:

  1. Improved cardio vascular performance (heart rate)

  2. Stronger heart beats

  3. Stronger adrenal glands

  4. More tolerance to stress

  5. Greater resistance to disease

"Generally, genetics account for about 35% of the performance, but the remaining 65% (management, training, nutrition) can make the difference"

This ENS is only effective during the first 16 days of life. Once the puppies are older, the opportunity to take advantage of the benefits of ENS is over!

It looks kind of like puppy yoga and the kids enjoy helping me with it each morning. Here's the routine:

  1. Qtip between toes

  2. Hold with head upright

  3. Hold with head downwards

  4. Hold in supine (on back) position

  5. Thermal reactivity (place puppy on a cold cloth)

Each exercise is preformed for 3-5 seconds and I mark down the level of the puppy's reaction.

"Early scent introduction (ESI) is a training program for puppies designed to enhance their ability to identify, and react to, specific scents. Each day, the trainer introduces a strong scent to the puppy for brief intervals, and records the puppy’s reaction. This also needs to be done within the first few weeks of life.

The reaction is considered to be positive when the puppy shows interest in the scent, moving toward it. A negative reaction is recorded when the puppy tries to get away from the scent. And finally, when a puppy is neither interested nor disinterested in the scent, this is a neutral reaction."

Today was orange peel! It's interesting to see each puppy's reaction. Some could care less, and others seem to want to dive right in!

We are now accepting deposits to hold a puppy. As always, please let me know if you have any questions!

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