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4 Weeks and Counting

Becoming 4 weeks old opens up a whole new world for puppies and it is one of my favorite stages in their development.  Suddenly they begin to notice that humans have something to offer. Before their interest really only lay in Mama entering the box for a feeding or playing with littermates.  Humans outside the box are relatively ignored.  But now the tables have turned a bit.  A person approaching the side of the box causes a rush of puppies and wagging tails.  They begin to recognize that you are the hand that feeds them and you are also a source of attention and entertainment.  My personal favorite is sitting in the pen while a wave of little wriggling furballs pile into your lap complete with windshield wiper tails and the sweetest puppy kisses. 

You can almost compete with Mama Lucy at this point but not quite… there is still a wave of puppies that follow her as she passes the pen, screaming and throwing themselves at the wire fencing like a crowd of idolizing teen fans.  Mama is still the rockstar.  

But honestly, I am reminded so much of having my own babies through this process of puppies.  The newborn stage - helpless, weak, completely and utterly dependent on someone for their very survival.  You fall in love with their sweet helplessness.  And as awareness grows for the person that has helped them get this far, adoration for you sets in.  The wag of the little tail as soon as you come into sight, the hop into your lap as you sit down, kiss your face as you pick them up.  Gradually you become the thing they love most and can’t wait to spend time with you.  I think that just might be why I had so many of my own babies and why I now have puppies - I'm just that needy lol. But in all seriousness, the love of a little one helps meet that deep and intrinsic need that every human has to be loved unconditionally.  And to one day have the devotion of a really good dog is a special thing.

We opened up the pen even more this week, surrounding the box with an extra set of fencing to give them more room.  The first sign for this upgrade: waking up to puppies wandering around the outside of the box.  A few finally figured out it was possible to escape and took advantage of the situation.  Their little legs have strengthened enough at this point to handle the slippery surface of a hard floor. 

It’s amazing to think that just a week ago they still had sea legs trying to get around the pen, like little drunken sailors who could barely walk a straight line.  Now they excitedly take daily adventures throughout portions of the house, exploring every nook and cranny and eagerly following either a human or Mama, if available.  My kids beg to “let the puppies out” and nothing is more fun than playing hide and seek or chase or tug of war with these adorable playmates. 

4 weeks also means the beginning of having some expectations for the puppies.  Manding is the first step.  Now that they have realized that getting out is pretty fun, there is a lot of pleading and whining once a person comes into sight.  We ask that puppies the “mand” when we approach the side of the pen.  We wait until the puppy has calmed and sitting and then treat him.  We don’t use any commands yet.  This is just the beginning of

training them how to politely approach a human.  No treats, no petting, no picking up until puppy is calm and sitting.  (Now there are plenty of times we lavish affection on the puppies just because, as this stimulates positive feelings for their humans, but we are careful not to treat without purpose).  But the goal here is learning appropriate human interactions from the very beginning.  

The pups are also introduced to the great outdoors.  And with it comes the all important recall, “puppy, puppy, puppy!”  Again, we call, and we treat.  The goal is immediate obedience in responding to a call to come to you.  This really creates a safety measure right away for the puppies.  If they are approaching a potentially dangerous situation, an immediate response to the call “puppy, puppy, puppy” could save their life.  

A lot going on these important weeks!  And as they grow and get ready for their new homes we will be upping the aunty with more challenging exercises to stimulate their little brains and produce that operant behavior that creates obedient dogs.

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