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3 Week Photos!

This is just a quick update to share the puppy's three week photos. My kids have been inspired by the chosen names so each puppy got its very own poster colored for its photo shoot. They really are beginning to take on their own coloring and appearance as they get older. It's fun to watch. Here they are in birth order:

Glacier - Aqua collar

She has such a beautiful face and is developing a sweet personality to go along with it.  She is one of the first to crawl into your lap and just settle in for a nap.  

Smoky - Gray collar

Smoky has actually taken on the position of runt instead of Acadia.  He is calm and quiet compared to some of his noisier siblings. He rarely squirms to get away when picked up but just takes it all as it comes.

Zion - Orange collar

Also very chill, this guy will just make himself at home in your lap when he’s ready for a cuddle.

Yellowstone - Yellow collar

This guy is one of the more uniquely colored.  And even his fur has a softer, fluffier thickness to it compared to everyone else.  He loves to be cradled and have his belly scratched.

Acadia - Purple collar

Acadia is very laid back and sweet but she has shown us she was not ready to settle as the runt, working her little way up a few ounces bigger than Smoky now. She rarely makes a peep but she’ll climb right over someone’s head if it means dinner.

Denali - Pink Collar

My kids have been fascinated by the heart shape on her forehead and I love her deep, rich coloring.  She also is very laid back and will lay around waiting for the next lap to nap on.  

Katmai - Blue Collar

This guy is king of the litter.  His head, his body, paws, everything about him appears significantly larger than everyone else.  He enjoys a good cuddle but when he’s ready to let you know he’s there, his ferocious little bark is so gosh darn cute. 

Shenandoah - Green collar

This one has been a bit of a mystery so far.  She seems extremely shy one moment, backing out from under your hand.  Then the next moment she barks with authority if you get too close to the box and let out a funny little growl.  She begs to be let out of the pen, only to squirm in your arms but after a little convincing, she’ll lean into your rubs and fall asleep.  Definitely the most vocal of the bunch so far.

Redwood - Red collar

This guy has been competing for largest littermate but he doesn't’ have quite the same commanding presence that Katmai has. He tends to be a bit more laid back and, if challenged, finds a nap to be a better choice than a wrestle.  

It’s fun to watch their little personalities develop.  Although I won’t say this means too much yet.  We can make a lot of conjectures at this point, but they still have a long way to go and a lot of personality to develop.  I hope you enjoy the updated photos and have an easier time of picking them out of the bunch as the weeks go on!  They are precious, each one.  

As always, please email us at come if you have any questions or are interested in our last two puppy placements!

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